For solo service providers & practitioners in ANY industry led by a purpose to serve...

Get Paid More For What You Love To Do

even if you feel guilty about charging

power up your pricing

power up your pricing

A course teaching you how to optimize what you offer to increase the chances of a lead becoming a paying client…
- even if you raise your rates -

A course teaching you how to optimize what you offer to increase the chances of a lead becoming a paying client…
- even if you raise your rates -

Especially for solo health & well-being practitioners, healers, coaches, tutors, entrepreneurs, and more…


You feel very confident in your abilities to help people… until you have to put a price tag on it

There are 3 main problems that are keeping you from sustainably doing what you love…

Which one is holding you back?

Problem N° 1

The belief that “it’s not about the money”… cause getting paid somehow feels like it’s dirtying things a little.

But... it is kinda about the money.

You can’t worry about how much money is in the account every time you go to the grocery store.

Problem N° 2

The struggle to know the magical number that people will pay.

Is this too much? too little?

You don’t want to give off that expensive vibe because there's the possibility that you’ll let them down and overcharge them.

Problem N° 3

The desire to please everyone to avoid negative reactions.

How many times do you give up valuable personal hours to fit other people’s schedules?

Or go above and beyond with your resources vs. what you are paid?

So when you begin believing you can’t be paid
what you want to be paid, doubts creep in:


“I know I’m helping people but I feel like a fraud”
“I know I’m helping people but I feel like a fraud”




“I’ll never make a living doing the work I want to do”
“I’ll never make a living doing the work I want to do”

And when the next call comes in, you take a big breath and sigh. The joy of being able to do your own thing slowly slipping away...

Hello, I’m Dr. Christopher Ngo

I’ve gone through all the struggles trying to find the best ways to help people while being fairly paid. I’ve owned a medical practice for almost a decade and couldn’t figure out how to do more for my patients without overworking or overextending myself. The way I was TAUGHT to charge was just not sustainable as I tried my best to help my patients.

I finally stumbled upon unique pricing strategies in 2019 that gave me the freedom to help my patients in a meaningful yet sustainable way.

I soon began teaching my colleagues. They also reported becoming happier and could do more for their clients. They became less frustrated by their current system and no longer had to guess how to price their services.

I began teaching other service industries and they also reported an increase in revenue, sometimes 2-3 times more in less than 6 months.

And their clients were all so grateful!

In this course, I want to share these simple methods with you so that you can do MORE for your clients while doing MORE for yourself.

The reality is this: if you want to provide your BEST service helping people, it must be nourishing for 
BOTH you and your clients

Here’s the thing,

The more you give away to the wrong people, the less the right people value you.

You have so much to offer!

But it can’t always be for free.

People need to pay…

otherwise, they won't take it - or you - seriously.

On the other hand... It’s. Not. Your. Fault.

You’re taught, “if I can do it, I should do it”.

Keeping the nose to the grindstone is the expectation, NOT the idea that you’re going above and beyond.

Because if you provide service any other way, there's going to be some kind of backlash.

Yet this leaves you feeling buried and burnt out struggling to make ends meet.

You’re just settling for no reason because you’re so entrenched in “this is how it is”.

However, you don’t have to settle...

“It took me too long to realize that I’ll serve my clients best when I serve myself first.”

When you see value in yourself, you begin to help people in a deeper way than you did before.

And when you ask for the money to match that value, you both become invested in the outcome.

“It helped me take action when I was not confident specifically around pricing, how I see myself, who I attract, and who I work with.”

The reality is this: 
if you want to provide
your BEST service helping people, it must be nourishing for BOTH you and your clients

Here’s the thing,

The more you give away to the wrong people, the less the right people value you.

You have so much to offer!

But it can’t always be for free.

People need to pay…

otherwise, they won't take it - or you - seriously.

On the other hand... It’s. Not. Your. Fault.

You’re taught, “if I can do it, I should do it”.

Keeping the nose to the grindstone is the expectation, NOT the idea that you’re going above and beyond.

Because if you provide service any other way, there's going to be some kind of backlash.

Yet this leaves you feeling buried and burnt out struggling to make ends meet.

You’re just settling for no reason because you’re so entrenched in “this is how it is”.
However, you don’t have to settle...

“It took me too long to realize that I’ll serve my clients best when I serve myself first.”

When you see value in yourself, you begin to help people in a deeper way than you did before.

And when you ask for the money to match that value, you both become invested in the outcome.

“It helped me take action when I was not confident specifically around pricing, how I see myself, who I attract, and who I work with.”



power up your pricing

A course to help you ethically price your services so you can make doing what you love, sustainable.

From redefining value to pricing your services in a way that benefits both you and your clients...

By the end of the course, you will be able to confidently price your services and walk away with a strategy you can immediately implement without having to wait weeks, months or years.

Be confident in what you deliver to impact the people you serve.

Here’s what you’re getting inside the course:

You’ll get immediate access to the course and your Members-Only Facebook Community to help you walk through 
all the key steps so you can immediately begin implementing. Over 15 years of direct client 
experience has been tested so you don’t have to make the same mistakes. 

Pricing confidence is so important

Let’s shorten your learning curve significantly

Module 1: The Power of Your Value

First session starts at 10am EST


As someone who lives to improve others’ lives, have you ever felt the knot tighten in your stomach when the pricing part comes? 

You’re so focused on others, sometimes you don’t know how much you REALLY bring to the table.

This module is a crucial step! 

You’ll get a concrete definition of value and then list out all the ways you give value.

When you value yourself, you can really stand behind what you do for the people you serve.
Most course creators struggle needlessly to sell their programs because they don’t take the time to design it before they build it. That’s why by the end of the first day, you are going to walk away with a complete blueprint for an online course or coaching program so good it practically sells itself!

Here’s how it all shakes down:

Module 2: The Power of Options

“Comparison is the thief of joy” ~Theodore Roosevelt

Comparison is inevitable. But it’s one of the reasons we hold back.

In this module you’ll dig into why you no longer have to compare yourself to the competition. 

You’ll discover when comparison ACTUALLY matters... and how options are vital for your services.

“Having done the course allowed me to free myself up in terms of how I think about me, my knowledge and my business.”

First session starts at 10am EST


Most course creators struggle needlessly to sell their programs because they don’t take the time to design it before they build it. That’s why by the end of the first day, you are going to walk away with a complete blueprint for an online course or coaching program so good it practically sells itself!

Here’s how it all shakes down:

Module 3: The Power of Choice

First session starts at 10am EST


In this module, we translate your value onto paper giving your client choice. Get the strategy to arrange and price your services that favor both you and your client. Then serve their choice 110%.

Here’s the important piece, create clear boundaries and... 

Not. feel. guilty. about. it.

“I cannot emphasize how happy I am with the definition of boundaries and how much I would have overextended myself in the past.”
Most course creators struggle needlessly to sell their programs because they don’t take the time to design it before they build it. That’s why by the end of the first day, you are going to walk away with a complete blueprint for an online course or coaching program so good it practically sells itself!

Here’s how it all shakes down:

Here’s what you’re getting inside the course:

You’ll get immediate access to the course and your Members-Only Facebook Community to help you walk through all the key steps so you can immediately begin implementing. 

Over 15 years of direct client experience has been tested so you don’t have to make the same mistakes. 

Pricing confidence is so important

Let’s shorten your learning curve significantly

Module 1: The Power of Your Value

As someone who lives to improve others’ lives, have you ever felt the knot tighten in your stomach when the pricing part comes?

You’re so focused on others, sometimes you don’t know how much you REALLY bring to the table.

This module is a crucial step! 

You’ll get a concrete definition of value and then list out all the ways you give value.

When you value yourself, you can really stand behind what you do for the people you serve.

module 2: The Power of Options

“Comparison is the thief of joy” ~Theodore Roosevelt

Comparison is inevitable. But it’s one of the reasons we hold back.

In this module you’ll dig into why you no longer have to compare yourself to the competition. 

You’ll discover when comparison ACTUALLY matters... and how options are vital for your services.

“Having done the course allowed me to free myself up in terms of how I think about me, my knowledge, and my business.”

module 3: The Power of Choice

On this day we translate your value onto paper giving your client choice. Get the strategy to arrange and price your services that favor both you and your client. Then serve their choice 110%.

Here’s the important piece, create clear boundaries and... 

Not. feel. guilty. about. it.

“I cannot emphasize how happy I am with the definition of boundaries and how much I would have overextended myself in the past.”
For real. Here’s a snapshot of our Stripe account from our most recent launch: 
And if you’re like, “Okay cool, but I’m not you. It won’t work for me because I’m just starting out / don’t have a niche yet / don’t have an email list / etc.”...

… check out what this process has done for our students who are just like you:
That's Jordan, a recent bootcamp participant of ours who teaches fly fishing and reached out after using the secret ingredients taught inside our bootcamp...

Within 5 minutes of making his offer, he had sold over $4,000 of online course sales!

Or what about Joy Foster who helps women build online technical skills so they can return to work or change careers...
After making a few key changes to her $2,000 program, she went on to have her biggest promotion bringing in over 100 new customers!

She also used our killer promotion strategy, but more on that later...

Or how about Magnus Zetterlund who teaches people how to play the mandolin..
He's a recent member of our annual coaching program and that's him posting in our private Slack community.

We walked him through using the same ingredients you will learn in this bootcamp and he went on to make $22,902 in his first promotion!

Basically, we know a thing or two about helping people like you tap into the thriving online, multi-billion dollar online education industry and get paid for what you already know. 

Sound like something you’re into? Keep on readin’, friend. 

And to help YOU help others faster, check out these
4 AMAZING bonuses you’ll be getting!

Access To The Training Portal For The Lifetime of the Program
We get it. You have a full schedule. You don’t want to miss out on anything and we don’t want you to either, so that’s why you get lifetime access to the course in your own training portal.

Learn at your own pace. You’ll have the ability to watch and rewatch the course as well as download the needed resources as much as you want.
Downloadable worksheets to unlock your value step-by-step and show how much YOU have to offer
The cornerstone of discovering how much value you offer and translating it into something your clients can grasp. Use the worksheets and templates to aid your progress from unsure to confident.

Access to the Facebook Community for Support and Accountability
This is where the magic happens. You don’t have to go at it alone.

Post your action items, connect with other like-minded service providers, and get feedback on your assignments to have a completed pricing strategy by the end of the training.

Bonus Session - 3 Ways to Determine Your Base Rate
A simple start can make all the difference. This bonus session gives three different ways you can determine your base rate and how to increase it so that you can match the money to your developing value.

Get the training to confidently price your services
Have a greater impact on the people you serve

Get the training to confidently 
price your services

Have a greater impact on the people you serve

Inside the Power Up Your Pricing Course you’ll get…
  • Module 1: The Power of Your Value
  • ​Module 2: The Power of Options
  • Module 3: The Power of Choice
  • Bonus Session - 3 Ways to Determine Your Base Rate
  • Access To The Training Portal For The Lifetime of the Program
  • Downloadable worksheets and templates
  • Access to the Facebook Community

Still on the fence about this being a good or great fit?
Here's our '7 Day Money Back' Guarantee:

We 100% guarantee that you’ll find this course amazing!

We get it... you don't know if it's good until you try it.

If after the end of 7 days you feel like you haven't got at least 10X the value of your investment in actionable ideas, advice, guidance, and insights to help you confidently price your services, we will happily refund your investment. 

No questions asked. 

All you have to do is email us within 7 days of purchase for a full refund.

Sound fair?


Here’s how others have expressed their gratitude
over the results using these methods:

Tutor triples her income with one client 
- Nicole Balston 

We 2Xed income, 3Xed clients, halved the  hours
- Paula Lord

I could take people’s health to a deeper level - Rhonda Steinke

 “Get off the fence, you’ll make 10x back - Wayne Felix

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Autem dolore, alias, numquam enim ab voluptate id quam harum ducimus cupiditate similique quisquam et deserunt, recusandae.
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New found confidence leads to $2.7 million deal
- Katrina McCullough

Take the plunge - Unconfident to Brave
- Valerie Rodriguez, ND

Take the plunge - Unconfident to Brave
- Valerie Rodriguez, ND

New found confidence leads to $2.7 million deal
- Katrina McCullough

You know there are still
some lingering questions...

here are some answers:

You know there are still
some lingering questions...

here are some answers:

 Which type of solo service provider is this course for?
Are you someone who serves others in some way to improve their lives?

The concepts in this course have helped service providers including:

- Health & well-being practitioners (medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, acupuncturists)
- Coaches
- Healers
- Tutors
- Mobile entertainment owners
- Entrepreneurs
- Creatives
- Pilates studio owners,
- and more...

If your goal is to find better ways to improve people’s lives, let us help you.
What if I don’t have many clients yet?
Whether you have a few clients or many, the bottleneck is your pricing. Having the foundational mindset for pricing will prepare you for 1-on-1 as well as scaling. Knowing how to price before having a large client base is actually a blessing as you’ll be in charge of your business, in charge of your growth.
Will this help me get more clients?
A better question is, “Will this help me get more of the RIGHT clients?”

In short, yes. Pricing confidence means you stand behind what you are offering. Your marketing will become more specific allowing you to zero in on who you help and how you help them.

Here’s the thing, more clients are good when you have a foundational pricing strategy in place; otherwise you can get overwhelmed.
Why is the course so cheap?
This information has been so life-changing for many, we want to make it as accessible as possible. However, when people invest (even a small amount) there is a deeper level of commitment. We want to see you take action to succeed.

With that being said, we can't confirm if the price will stay this low in the future so we recommend you take advantage of it while you can!
How much work do I have to actually do to see results?
Most of the work can be completed within a couple of hours. You can apply it IMMEDIATELY.

While everyone is at a different stage in their journey, many have seen results as soon as they began taking action.

You don’t need additional resources or take weeks to learn new skills. You have all the tools you need. If you want deeper levels of training, there will be opportunities for it.

You owe it to your clients and customers to best serve their needs

And it requires you to step up to a new level as you let go of the old pattern... the pattern to always make others happy first.

This mind shift is scary - yet invaluable.

So now you have a decision to make,

You can either go back to what you were doing before… or potentially change your life.

With more resources, you can focus on creating better services.

Better service leads to better experiences.

Better experiences lead to better well-being for the client.. and the provider.

You now have the choice of how you want to work with clients and customers.

Ready to deeply transform more people’s lives?

© 2021 Prana Physician. All rights reserved.
© 2021 Pranic Physician. All rights reserved.